Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Photo Bomb - A Pictorial

I'm not sure when this new trend of "photo-bombing" became so popular, but I can tell you, I'm getting tired of it. You can't even take a simple picture anymore without some obnoxious asshole jumping in and ruining it. The traditional Kodak moment is being hi-jacked right before our very eyes.

If you don't really know what I'm talking about, let me give you a few personal examples:

Exhibit #1

This photo was taken last year at a bar in Ocean City, MD. Note the enthusiastic bald guy in the background. I have no idea who he is or why he felt the urge to join our group photo. I also have no idea why Joe is licking Fran's head. But that's another story....


Exhibit #2

This photo was taken at a St. Patrick's Day party earlier this year. The guy in the back obviously wants everyone to know he's there. Since he looks like he's three sheets to the wind, I'll give him a pass. He probably tripped over three chairs and a Leprechaun on his way to our group shot. I can't believe that I didn't see him coming. I've got to be more observant...


Exhibit #3

Now, this photo might appear to be free of photo-bombers. But in reality, we have no idea who the woman in the black and white striped shirt is. To make matters worse, she's actually got her arm around my shoulder! How could I not know she was there? We discovered her presence when we reviewed the photo a few minutes after it was taken. By the time we figured it out, the mystery woman was a few tables down laughing her ass off.


Exhibit #4

This photo was taken at Nabb's Creek Dockbar a few months ago after my trivia team took first place for the winter season. The second place team is also in the photo (thus the reason for one and two fingers). By the way, what the hell is the guy over my left shoulder doing?


Exhibit #5

Perhaps the most troubling scenario is when the photo-bomber comes from within your own circle. In the above photo, I am standing next to local celebrity/car salesman, Scott Donohoe. The clown in the back, with his head strategically placed in the middle, is none other than my brother-in-law, John.


Exhibit #6

In this photo, you see me and my long-time friend, Mark. Of course, you can see that John has struck again. In this photo-bomb, John uses his Miller Lite to improvise a Statue of Liberty pose. The placement of his head is so meticulous, one might think that this was photo-shopped. But it's definitely a bonafide photo-bomb.


I really have no idea would can be done to prevent future photo bombings. Maybe we can hire a police task force to look into it? I can envision it now.....the police arrive with their guns drawn:

"All right, we need you all to stand back while these folks take a picture. Sir, please don't even think of making a move, I can see what you're trying to do.  I think we might need to rope off this area.''

Anyway, you can see how crazy this stuff can get. All I can say is always be aware of your surroundings. Photo-bombers can come in all shapes and sizes and can strike anywhere, anytime. Please don't allow yourself to become a victim.....


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