Friday, July 3, 2009

Churchill Busted

It’s to be expected that the new President will be treated with kid gloves by the American media. After all, he is The Messiah. But I’d like to point out one particular incident that basically got no exposure from the mainstream media. And I think it should have…..

When President Obama made his initial rounds of his new home, he made plans on redecorating the Oval Office to his own tastes. This is nothing new and is actually an expectation of any new President. I guess this is a way for the new President to stamp his identity on the spot where he’ll work for the next 4-8 years. It sounds reasonable to me. But one of the first “changes” our new President saw necessary was to get rid of a bronze bust of Sir Winston Churchill. He had it sent back to its proud owner, the British government.

Let’s back up a second and look at how it wound up in the Oval Office in the first place…..

Shortly after the terrorists’ attacks of September 11, British Prime Minister Tony Blair sent the bust to the White House. This was a token of solidarity from our transatlantic brother. It was Blair’s way of saying, “We’re in this with you!” And Blair stuck to his guns and Britain remained our strongest ally in this war just as they had in former global conflicts.

The Churchill bust was on loan to the US through January 2009. But the British government agreed to extend that loan through the first Obama term. Keep in mind, Winston Churchill is regarded as one of the world’s all-time greatest leaders. But Obama wasn’t interested in having him looking over his shoulder for the next four years. Could there be an underlying reason for this? If this is Obama’s way of fixing America’s “bad image” across the world, I think he’s off on the wrong foot.

I have to wonder if this has anything to do with the Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya in the 1950’s. You see, at that time Kenya was under British colonial rule. Kenya is of course, Obama’s homeland. And taking it one step further, one of the rebels who was tortured and imprisoned by the Brits during this rebellion was Hussein Onyango Obama. This man happens to be the grandfather of Barrack Hussein Obama. Hmmmm……

Could this be a personal grudge? Or is Obama just interested in pissing off our strongest allies around the world? Maybe he’s more interested in becoming buddies with countries like Iran and breaking bread with Hamas. Obama has already talked about sending the Palestinians $1 billion! Does he actually think that much of this money won't help to fund terrorism? And let's not forget that Obama's first televsion interview as Preseident was on Al Arabiya (an Arab station). I'm starting to wonder who's side this guy's on! And if Obama thinks that kissing the enemy's ass is good foreign policy, he should look at Jimmy Carter's Presidency and see how that worked out!

In the end, the Churchill bust was replaced with one of Abraham Lincoln.


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